after sleeping on it, and getting encouragement from rakka and pip, and knowing groc made the switch, I'm going to switch. Between A and pip I have enough info to know that 1 of my issues is totally overcomeable, which isn't a word but I don't care.

yes. do it!
you'd be surprised at how nice it can be once you get used to it.
of course, when it's down or something truly bizarre that isn't documented happens, it's a pain in the ass but there's always blogger forums. the people that post to it are knowledgable and friendly.
Ok. I'll switch. I'll do my 5 things here.
teh awesome.
Well, I started using Drupal entirely because you do/did/whatever... and I was getting annoyed with some shortcomings with Blogger (which I started using way back in Y2K - blimey!).
I've since used a tiny fraction of its power, and very few of the features that I thought I'd use a lot I've ever actually bothered setting up.
But I'll probably stick with Drupal for now.
Sorry Shed. Drupal is still ok. But blogger 2 (or whatever they call it) is nice.
I've been writing modules for drupal, and after getting into the code I'm less impressed, I guess. It's good that it can run anywhere, even on old php versions. But I want OOP, not naming conventions. The old Droop's still totally fine, as long as you're not fickle.
I think I'm fickle. I just want a shiny new toy. Maybe I'll hate blogger after a month and want to switch back. I'm crrAAaazzZZyy.
I might have a glance across it and see what I think. Or not, depending on whether they introduce 32 hour days =)
I've been thinking about it some more. This might turn into a full post later, but it comes down to this:
I've found I don't want tons of power and control in my day to day blogging app. When I have total access to the code then I can always make it better. After a while I find myself thinking that because I can, I should. Then I start feeling guilty because I haven't.
Using blogger removes most of that guilt for me (but the template still needs a lot of work :)
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