Final Fantasy III for the DS is fun, if you're bored to start. I mean, it's kinda fun, but whatevah. An interesting side note for Final Fantasy fans. FFIII is the first FF I've ever played. I know, hard to believe right? But it's 100% truth!

In other news, J got hisself a new roommate this week. Rakka and I tootled over there to meet Stardust. She is cool.

J took us by alki beach (no, not that kind of alki! it's named after some guy). Maybe not the best time of year for it, is January. But I could almost see my house from there.

We also hit up easy street cafe for some rock and roll eats. I gots me some New Wav Os Rancheros, which were teh yum.

It's a good place. The ambiance is a bit hectic. You're surrounded by shoppers and some of the tables are on the stage. Thankfully it's free of bands at the time, but the indie rock doth blare. Actually, I guess that's pretty standard for restaurants that are inside music shops. What was really odd was the juice and bike shop around the corner.
After lunch J schooled me in Dig Dug. He only got about 10000 points (267%) more than me.

And that is all. (ok, I'm totally boring you, I know. sorry)
Stardust is gorgeous.
Isn't she. J has a burgeoning photoset.
Final Fantasy school football rules!
Also, in a weird inverse-kirk dimension thing, I don't think I've ever played Dig Dug. Send me a link to an emu :)
We play dig dug on one of those hardware (joystick style) emulators. I'll have to go digging for a pure software one...
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