But it would be negligent to not include some mammals up in here, since half the facility is devoted to them.

And of course there's the octopus', who are really cool folks. I wish I'd had more time to get to know them.

taglines are so cool. well, moderately so. ok, not so much. whatever.
First - thank you for not saying 'octopi'.
Second - hell, this is a nice theme!
Sure! It's easy to not say 'octopi'; spell check fails on it.
Oh, and I can't take much credit for the theme. It's just one of the blogger 2 templates. I only tweaked it very slightly. (I might still mess around with the footer and comments a bit)
Blogger Template Style
Name: Stretch Denim
Designer: Darren Delaye
URL: www.DarrenDelaye.com
Date: 11 Jul 2006
if you'd have stayed quiet, I'd never have known...
Ahhh. Credit where it's due and all that.
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