I've been away for a while. Why? Because Super Mario Galaxy got here just before christmas. I don't have all the stars yet (37 left), but last night I busted Bowser on his head. That seems like a good reason to crawl out of my hole and start participating in the world again. So, hi...
While we're here, lets consider this a positive review of SMG. It's mindwarping fun. Occasionally the camera kills me, but over all it's a good game.
hello fellow wiitard! I need to plug my wii back in and add you! (it went travelling over christmas)
I haven't got Galaxy yet (thursday hopefully!) but I can't possibly believe the camera is worse than in Super Mario Sunshine. I got about 2/3 of the way through but then literally couldn't finish a level because the camera was so bad :(
I was sad.
Also, I spot a problem with Blogger's OpenID support ;)
The camera isn't nearly as bad as that. There are just a few places where it doesn't move and you have to jump diagonally across pits, and you're upside down on the opposite side of a sphere...
For the most part it's fine though.
"Also, I spot a problem with Blogger's OpenID support ;)"
Gee, you think, id? :)
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