city hall [architecture friday]

I know it's been a while. You know how it is. Work is busy. Life is busy. Actually, we're all so busy that we started a club at work to make ourselves go outside. It's the redfin friday photo club. And since we work downtown, there's good oportunities to get some architecture in.

enter the chamber
enter the chamber

Today we went to city hall. The red room and the blue stairs are my favorite.

american stairs
american stairs

r vs b
r vs b

It's a fun building overall. Here's some more pics.

up some stairs
up some stairs

yellow stairs
yellow stairs


long view
long view

from the bridge
from the bridge

you won't get nowhere watchin no animusic

animusic excerpts on pbs proves that pbs hates its viewers. animusic in general proves that there is no god.

iphoto 09 has few, if any, improvements

The big win, I thought, would be flickr integration. Turns out that the flickr integration is so incredibly bad that I will never ever, evereverever use it. I would write it all up, but that's already been done.

The basic point is that it's designed to treat flickr like mobileme galleries, which I guess is like picasa web albums or something. But we all know that flickr is not a photobucket. It seems that Apple doesn't understand flickr, or thinks their users don't. I don't know why I'm surprised; Apple software is crap (with a few exceptions like webkit and the os itself, which i love).

Just to round it out, iphoto 09's other features haven't helped much either. The places/geo coding thing looked like it was going to be cool, but the interface is terrible. You have to bring up the map for each photo. I want to be able to drag photos onto the map. Why? Because I like to be specific. I don't want to say "I took this picture at seattle center", I want to say "I took this picture at the international fountain at seattle center, and I was standing right about here". iphoto 09's one photo at a time approach makes that way too cumbersome. Am I being too demanding? I got this idea from flickr, which is a web app...

As for faces, I don't really take pics of people, so whatever.

What I really don't understand is how I'm so obviously in the target demo for apple hardware and os, but not for any of their software. I mean, they sell it all as a package. Seems weird.