Photo by Rakka
Two Eyed Daruma A Daruma gets one eye when a wish is made, and one when it is granted.
Today I made it official. I will be moving over to Redfin.com. It's a really neat company and a fantastic opportunity; I'm extremely excited. I can't say better than that.
Wahoo! A well-deserved and long-overdue move!
i agree with matt but with more cursing!
Congratumalations, old chap. Glad to see you're getting out of the Web1.9b RC2 trap.
hey - redfin - that's got nuffin to do with yellow tab
(very obscure OS joke- feel free to ignore)
mucho congratulatos
said it elsewhere, but congrats dude, I hope it works out well for you
Thanks everybody!!! I'm so happy!
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